It is my Greatest Joy, divine calling and honor to help you create a life that you will Love  – filled with Joyful Abundance!

You know you are here at this time – on this planet – in this Dimension to shine your magnificent light, and have a special gift for the world.

Deep down inside you know this. And it’s time to shine your light- and light up our world. Let’s create a world  we all would love to live in! Together we can and it is one person at a time- one spark at a time! As you light up your own life and shine- you light up our world!

With a gentle and loving approach I connect to your Soul Team- Higer Guides and Angels to bring you to new possibilities of Joyful Abundance! With a deep connection with the “higher self, your Angels and  Higher Guides” I assist you in choosing more Joyful Abundance in your life and for our world

You will experience more joy as you choose what  matters most to you. And you can bring a Joyful  Energy and Blessing to the world and create New Joyful Possibilities

Together we Can Create a World that we would love to live in!

We are the ones we have been waiting for!


Susan is the founder of Joyful Possibilities LLC. She uses Angel Songs – Sound Therapy Meditations, Light Language and consciousness tools to bring people to their greatest joy and contribute more positive energy to our world!  She has been featured on  the well-known global telesummit, –  From Heartache To Joy  and is acknowledged as one of the top 43 Healers in the world. She has been doing Tele-summits and teaching classes around the world for over 25 years, and is a  Internationally Best Selling Author with two published books. She has been featured on National TV – giving readings to people on the Streets of Sedona.  She say- “I love to share my gifts and help others share theirs, that is my greatest joy!”


She channels songs from the Angelic Realms and Higher Dimensions creating Sound Therapy meditations that bring people to their Joyful Abundant Self! Susan’s clients had amazing success after their joyful abundance sessions and classes. They increased their income more then tenfold, some created over a million dollars, moved into their dream houses, began joyful careers and shared their Intuitive Gifts with the world!

Susan is a Certified Sound Therapist, Consciousnesses Facilitator and Certified Medium. Susan is a International Best-Selling Author, a wife, a mother, and a friend! She has a bachelor’s degree in religious studies. She loves and honors the good in all Religions and assists if raising peoples vibrations so that whoever chooses it can create Joyful Abundance for themselves and contribute a Joyful Positive Energy in our world.

Hi, I’m Susan Elizabeth

For those that don’t know me- I wanted to share a few things. I am an Sound Therapist and channel Angel Songs from your Higher Self/ Soul/ Universe/ God and more! I use my voice (and my crystal bowl) to bring about miraculous changes with ease and joy! I am a certified medium and share messages from your loved ones in very special songs too(keep Kleenex handy for these calls) I teach Actualize Abundance with the Essential Oils and Angels classes on line. I use energy tools, Angels Songs and Essential oils to create more joy for many people including myself knowing we are moving to a place of creating joyful lives doing what we love to do the most- and I love to watch others find their greatest joy and contribute to their lives and our world with more joy than we could even ever imagine! Send me a e mail to [email protected] if you’d like to know how to get your own Angel Song and receive my gift to you of “Little Angels in a Bottle How Essential Oils Changed my life!

I’ve been broke, I’ve been sick and I’ve been in bad relationships – I had to walk my walk before I could talk my talk and now I created a life that I love!- sharing information on how to be your true self, stay in your own vibration and be healthy and wealthy and yes- wise! I was always sick  broke and searching! I knew their had to be a better way to live. Today I am so grateful for the tools I HAVE TO CREATE POWERFUL CHANGE IN MY WORLD and in the lives of others! I am grateful for essential oils that assist me in all I do! I am grateful for the contribution I am to others that come my way and create great changes in our world- like opening up wellness centers- bringing wellness alternatives to  hospitals , mental health facilities and so much more. I love all the people I work with! I love my life now- and you will too!

I am a Certified Sound Therapist, Joyful Abundance Facilitator and and a Diamond Wellness Advocate and Teacher with doTERRA essential oils. I teach workshops nationwide and provide private sessions over the phone which are recorded and sent to you instantly. My book, Five Sacred Minutes to Your Joyful Self, and Transformations Find Your Wings are available here or at Amazon

I am also a, Intuitive, Teacher, Author, Mother, Wife and Friend.  I use song and sound for clearing out old beliefs that keep you stuck from forward movement in your life’s journey. I use Sound Therapy creation meditations  to move to your Joy and Purpose. I have  been in private practice, sharing information from the Highest Source and Angelic Realm since 1993.

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Religious Studies from California State University, a Sound Therapist Certification, studying with Jonathan Goldman and a Medium Certification, studying with Doreen Virtue. I am a certified Access Consciousness BARS facilitator, and a Diamond leader with doTERRA essential oils.. I teach workshops nationwide and provide private sessions over the phone which are recorded and sent to you instantly. My book, Five Sacred Minutes to Your Joyful Self, is available here.

I have always been a very spiritual person. Since birth I have known there is more to believe in than what just can be seen or understood with the logical mind. I’ve spent my life looking at the good and the light in all people. I have found that we have the power within ourselves to connect directly to our Higher Source (God). I work with people who are looking for their Joy and want to share their gifts with the world that lights them up and create miraculous incomes doing it, who feel disconnected and know that their lives should be different. I help people come into their full power and purpose.

In 1993, I discovered I had a gift of singing in a way that allows people’s energy to provide information from their Higher Source. This information comes through in complete song and lyrics. Based on your energy, every song is different for every person. If you like country music it may sound like a country song; if you like jazz, then jazz.. It’s like tuning into your own radio station to receive the vibration and information you need. All the energy work is always for the Highest Good of All Involved as this is my prayer and intention in all the work I do.

I love to go where I’m sent and have been sent to help and heal around the world! My greatest joy is to help people share their own talents and gifts and to Co-Create Heaven on Earth!’

Hugs and Blessings.